Spin The Wheel

Ready to add some excitement to your financial domination sessions? With Findom Spin the Wheel, you can introduce an element of surprise and unpredictability into your interactions.

Whether you're a financial Dominatrix looking for a fun way to engage your subs, or a submissive eager to embrace the thrill of the unknown, our spin-the-wheel feature offers endless possibilities. Give it a spin and let fate decide your next move!

Our Spin The Wheel guarantees you get PAID 100% of the time!

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The key difference between this example and our Spin The Wheel is that on our platform, the money transfers automatically after the wheel has been spun.

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Findom - Spin the Wheel Games

Findom or financial domination is taking the fetish world by storm. All over the world people seek new ways to find arousal/relieve stress from everyday life, findom is something that is allowing people to escape from their reality.

Findom is considered a fetish and similar to many other fetishes it incorporates a relationship where one person has all of the power and control. The only difference is that it is the money and finances that are being controlled. In a findom relationship there will be one dominant person known as the dom or domme and one submissive person known as the sub or paypig.

Games are an excellent way to take part in findom and add an element of fun or gambling, making it more exciting. There are many different types of games that are available but one of the most popular ones is the spin the wheel game. Read on to find out what spin the wheel games are and what types are available.

What are spin the wheel games?

The spin the wheel game is one of the simplest games to understand, which may add to its rise in popularity. The concept is very straightforward, there is a wheel with many different sections. Each section has an amount/task/gift on it. The submissive person will buy access to the wheel, press a button and the wheel will spin around. The spin starts off fast and gradually gets slower and slower until it finally comes to a stop and the pointer points at one of the sections. Whatever section that the pointer lands on, the sub then has to pay the dom this amount/buy the gift/complete the task.

The game has so many possibilities because it is completely up to the creator as to what they add to it. You can make the game more interesting by adding sections such as spin again or punishments.

What types of spin the wheel game are available?

On Findoms Only, there are many different types of wheels to partake in. Our members list new wheels every day and come up with new ideas regularly, keeping it exciting. Some examples of wheels that are currently advertised on the site include:

  • Small drain wheels - these wheels have smaller increments of money set out in sections around the wheel.
  • Large drain wheels - these wheels have larger increments of money set out in the sections of the wheel.
  • Item wheels - catered to those with other fetishes, you can expect to find things such as toe nail clippings, hair, bodily fluid and clothing or underwear in the sections of the wheel. The money is made/spent from paying to play rather than landing on amounts.
  • Experience wheels - the sections of this wheel will include experiences such as videos, chat sessions, girlfriend experience etc. These are popular with subs who like to interact with the domme.
  • Gift wheels - the sections of this wheel will display gifts rather than amounts of money. Think handbags, make up and jewellery but there is no limit on what gifts can be included.
  • Task wheels - particular for those who are interested in the slave fetish, this wheel can incorporate things such as doing squats, jerking off or paying the debts of the domme.

Take a browse through some of the ones that are currently available. Whether you are interested in spending your money or making some money, we think you will enjoy playing the spin the wheel games.

Why use Findoms Only?

Findoms Only has been set up specifically to cater to those interested in the findom experience. We have created a safe and secure environment where subs and doms can communicate and take part in games and other activities.

The platform is straightforward to use and enables the users to contact other members of the findom community, free from any judgement. You can check out some of the listings that are available before you sign up and then once signed up you are able to partake in the full experience.

You can add a profile, update your status and chat with others via forums and the newsfeed. Our community is friendly and supportive and if you need any extra help with anything we have a great team of staff who work hard to keep the website running smoothly.


Overall, engaging in the world of findom can be an exhilarating and exciting experience. Whether you want to be a dom and make some extra cash or you are a sub who enjoys the idea of being humiliated or playing some of the games, we have something on Findoms Only for you.

Have a look through some of the listings that we currently have and get an idea of what is available. It’s easy to sign up and once you do you can enjoy exploring the findom community. So what are you waiting for? Sign up and get started today.

Example of a Spin The Wheel on Findoms Only

Spin The Wheel FAQ

What is Spin the Wheel?
The Spin the Wheel is a findom game, that allows a Dominant to drain their sub for the amount displayed on the wheel. The minimum and maximum amount that can be displayed on the wheel will be agreed before the game takes place.
How does Spin the Wheel work?
The Dominant and sub will agree a minimum and maximum amount to be displayed on the wheel. The Dominant will set up the Spin the Wheel. If the sub has enough KinkCoins to cover this, they can accept to go ahead and spin. The Wheel then Spins and the amount that the wheel stops at, is the amount that will be taken from the sub and given to the Dominant.
Who can set up a Spin the Wheel?
The Spin the Wheel is set up by the Dominant and accepted by the sub before the Spin can take place.
What are KinkCoins?
KinkCoins are our anonymous, onsite, adult friendly payment method. You can read more about them here - https://www.findomsonly.com/blog/introducing-kinkcoins-our-new-way-to-pay
How are Dominants guaranteed to get their money?
The Spin the Wheel will not go ahead unless the sub has enough KinkCoins, once the Spin the Wheel is completed, the KinkCoins will be dispersed into your KinkCoins balance.
Are there any fees?
There are no fees for Premium Dominants on Findoms Only that do a Spin The Wheel on findomsonly.com. In all other cases a fee of 10% of the spun amount is paid once the Spin the Wheel has been completed.
I’ve completed a Spin the Wheel, how do I withdraw my KinkCoins?
You can withdraw your KinkCoins through the payment section of your account.