The Importance Of Saying No

DevilishDelight By DevilishDelight 1750 views 13th Apr 2023

Seller Tips For Sellers
The Importance Of Saying No


Hello everyone, thanks for taking the time to read my blog, I’m Tattqueenn but my real name is Samantha. I hope this helps people and gives them the push they might need.

So being on this site for over a year now I have been asked to do strange things, I’m sure most of you can agree to this…and we all had to start somewhere. Today there is a lot more support and help, but when I started, I was so new to everything and on my own.

Was I comfortable doing the things I agreed to? Most definitely, but that doesn’t mean everyone would be. Please make sure when you agree to things you are comfortable doing and it isn’t just for the money.

I’ll openly say I have turned down orders because I’m not comfortable doing them and that is okay. Someone offers you £40 for a custom video but you know you will not enjoy a second of it, is it really worth the money and also your time?

It is okay to say no

If you get asked to do something don’t feel pressured into doing it, you are in charge of your own content and what you do and don’t do. Even if the buyer is going to pay your prices or more of the item/digital content, doesn’t mean you do it.

Don’t feel bad in saying no either! Explain to them this isn’t something you feel comfortable with or still very new at, so you’d rather pa**. If you know another seller who does this content a lot, you can always give them their name to help them out. I know I have done it once or twice.


Everyone has different limits on what they can and can’t do. Writing them in your bio is always a good way on telling buyers know what you like to do. This way it saves you time as a seller telling them and save time for a buyer not having to message you and ask.

Limits can be all different from not showing face to no nudity. Stick to your limits so you can still enjoy yourself. It could also be when you are available for doing content.

Trying new things

How do you know it’s a limit if you’ve never tried it? I’m not saying never try new things because you don’t know if you like it unless you’ve tried it. Maybe try it out in private firstly just for yourself and if you do enjoy it, you can list the item and start posting about it. Or even tell the buyer this is my first time doing it and explain to them. 9/10 the buyer is understanding and not be forceful.

I am now trying new things and taking it step at a time and I’m getting more confident every time I do it. Never push yourself please, you have all the time in the world to do it.

Pushy buyers

If a buyer keeps on to you about content and you feel pushed into it and you keep telling them no, it is okay to block them. Don’t forget this is your time also and you want to enjoy yourself.

If a buyer is rude when asking for content you can turn it down, because again it isn’t about the money and reviews all the time. You want to get a bond with a buyer and have a good time together, not all one sided.


When you do have a bad experience with a buyer because they have let you down, time waster or some other reason and you get a bad review after giving them one even though your one was truthful, what to do?

You can either leave it or you can get it removed, as long as you have all the proof you need with how the buyer agreed then ghosted or cancelled admin will remove it. It may be up for a while, but it will soon get removed. Don’t let it get you down, they just want to get their own back, but it isn’t going to work.

Your profile

Remember it is your profile, YOU can decide what you list, post, write in your bio and what photos you let people see. As long as everything is within the rules of the site.

Put as much information in your bio as possible. But not too much so people know everything about you…e.g., address, Facebook accounts. You need to keep your ATW life and personal life separate.

Being confident about your profile makes you confident when selling. You put as much effort in as possible in your profile and it will reflect. But please don’t copy other users’ bios, as we put a lot of time into them. If you need help just ask someone, sellers do have listings about bios if you are struggling.

With all that said I hope everyone has the best time on here making content, expressing themselves and having fun. Just remember it’s okay to say no, stick to your limits and be confident.

By DevilishDelight

Welcome to my profile 😘 there is something for everyone and I hope you enjoy yourself here 🤭 Not selling condoms currently, sorry for inconvenience [ Payment methods I accept are...

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