Being A Fet**h Seller - For Income Or Fun?

FaithfulNurse By FaithfulNurse 495 views 1st Oct 2024

Seller Sellers’ Perspective
Being A Fet**h Seller - For Income Or Fun?

When I was first introduced to All Things Worn, by a colleague whilst on shift! I was more than intrigued, it would be better to say that I was captivated, the thrill and the rush of engaging with the taboo so openly and in public… I created an account that very night.

Whilst this is my first online account, I am not completely new to this world, my mum being a dominatrix and a house mom for spearmint rhino gave me that intro. I cannot look at stinging nettles in the same way 😈 – that’s a story for another time. I have always been intrigued by people, although I am a ma**ive introvert and suffer with crippling anxiety, I am just truly fascinated by human interaction in all forms, and I feel we most let our guard down when s**ually aroused.

I am just going to say it, I am obsessed with money. Sounds awful and so shallow, but I don’t mean I want to be living some highlife for free- for me it stems down to the security it provides. In my childhood days I remember the struggles of no money, and I don’t mean “oh no takeaway this week” or “it’s just one trip to Spain this year kids”, I am talking electric running out, holes in clothes and having to wait a few more weeks to get the replaced if that was even a possibility. This isn’t a p**r me; I am very grateful for my childhood- it could have been so much worse; however, I feel this is where my love for money comes from. So, when starting my account my first thought was great, I’ve sent enough t*t pics to so many undeserving d*ckheads for free, why not earn some money from it.

It’s been a whirlwind of a month; I have spoken to some of the most respectful and amazing people- both buyers and sellers and obviously had a few unpleasant encounters which we just shrug off, sometimes it’s easier said than done but support here is great. I am a huge nerd, which I have learned to embrace and not shy away from, I didn’t know there are so many LOTR fans out there!

This experience has just fed into my sponge of a brain; I mean I’m even writing my first blog after feeling so inspired. Literature is such a pa**ion of mine as they say, “The pen is mightier than the sword”, I never knew that would be something that I would discover on here, but I have been exposed to various blogs and some people have been kind enough to share their short stories with me- I am in HEAVEN-. Studies into kinks is limited, but it’s out there and I have been reading a few of these and combined with the views of buyers and sellers I am entirely entranced with the discussions.

So back to my point, yes initially I signed up to make some extra money to treat myself and enjoy small pleasures in this sh*tty world, a month in and well is a 180 for me. Is the money nice, well of course, but the satisfaction outweighs it (for me anyway), granted I am new on this journey, but I do believe that if you are here just for the money then it does show in your interactions and content.

It was always going to be risky showing my face especially with my career and with such obvious tattoos, but personally I am very awkward and never felt confident with my body, so I communicate with my face, I have never been able to hide what I think- my face is an open book! Interacting with buyers has been a privilege for me, to hear or see their enjoyment gives me a happiness that no medication can top that release of endorphins. Whether it’s having someone message me a compliment or send me a gift, each interaction is a dedication of someone’s time and that is what I have become addicted to. The money exchange becomes such a small part to the interactions for me, I truly appreciate the trust that is given to me to deliver (or deny) satisfaction, that is an honour that I will treat with the most respect. Trust is such an integral part with this site, yes, some people on here don’t respect that and feel ent*tled and like they are “purchasing” me, yet for the most part buyers trust me enough to express a part of themselves that they may usually hide from the world, and in return I like to think I can trust them that if should they see me in public, they will offer me a cheeky smile and we can exchange a silent glance that holds a thousand unspoken words.

I became a nurse to try healing the world and myself in the process, and now I have found another way to try spread that healing, the world is a tough place, and you never know what someone is going through, kindness is free. If indulging in a kink is what helps us navigate through life, then I will forever support that, life is too short to not have any excitement in it.

I will part with a quote that just resonates with me so much, if you know who this is bonus points!

“The worst kind of person is someone who makes someone feel bad, dumb or stupid for being excited about something”.

Much love, your faithfulnurse

By FaithfulNurse

Hello all you naughty devils! Looking forward to having some fun with you all 😈 I am a specialist nurse living in the UK. I am a HUGE Harry Potter,...

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BubbleyUnicorn Wow! You’re an amazing writer 🫶🏻 I 💯 know where you’re coming from. You are perfect 🥹

David10 Hello

FaithfulSlave_of_FaithfulNurse Ah my goddess I knew you you were someone special after our very first interaction that's why I decided to stick around and will continue to do so for as long as you let me and thank you so much for that

Stained_doormat Absolutely loved this. Thank you for sharing this treasure with us. If you love LOTR try Robert Jordan’s WOT or anything by Brandon Sanderson. You will thank me. Also, wish we can work together sometime.

Bigboyliam U are such a lovely and caring woman I have absolutely loved working with you

LeeTheBoneRanger Absolutely awesome and so happy you found site! Xx

Peachykeen Love reading blog posts from people on this site. Thank you!

Letmesmellyou6969 @FaithfulNurse your blog has been received so well and I know we don’t really know each other but it has genuinely made me happy for you 😊xxxx

FaithfulNurse Thank you to everyone for such kind words! You are all so amazing, don’t ever forget that! ❤️

VictoriaVicious So beautiful. I agree, it started out as just trying to make some money, especially as a stay at home mom with a baby.. but the thrill of it, the excitement.. and connecting with people you otherwise would never have known existed. I also decided pretty much right away that I was going to show face, because that's how I express myself. Bodies are great, don't get me wrong.. but "the eyes are the windows to the soul."

BarefootedGypsy Loved every word xo

Sultrysiena 💕 Amazing read and blog 👏💕

SaucySiren Great read. I very much relate to the reason you started and to the 180 shift 😁

Onceasub 💓 really enjoyed reading

FunSize Opens the door for all of us to each acknowledge in our own way “this is ok for me”.

Cheekydiva Loved reading this!🥰

Heytheyarelovely Amazing read xx

UnderNurseKind Love the quote at the end. Ps. I'm a huge lotr fan... 🤭

ThatSwimsuitSub the love you are getting here from buyers I think shows how much you've learned already :) well done Goddess ;) This was awesome

Letmesmellyou6969 I knew there was something special about you from our first few message exchanges and your blog has definitely showed me that I was right. A very interesting read and It wouldn’t surprise me if that “sponge” of a brain soaked up all that is weird and wonderful on ATW and your encounters with buyers and sellers and eventually turn it into a book…and if it follows in the path of Harry Potter, would make an incredibly eye opening film😏😉😈😂xxxxx

Tea_boy Wonderful words x

Peace Awesome read, loved it!

NewGuy24 A great read ❤️

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